How can we create a quality living arrangement for our family member with a disability, especially now that we're all getting older?
What makes housing affordable and sustainable?
Who provides the quality care our family members deserve?
How do we know what will make roommates - and their families - compatible?
Is our family member receiving all the benefits they are entitled to?
Our products are designed to provide answers and creative solutions to these questions and more.
Designed to be easy to use, while providing valuable insights and options to help you create a viable housing solution. Click to learn more about each product.
Benefits And Housing Review
Roommate Matching Pool
per year (w/ purchase of Benefits and Housing Review)
Consulting Services
/hour (packages available)
Shared Living Development
per family
There’s no requirement to participate in the Roommate Matching Pool if your family has already chosen other families to collaborate with. However, a Benefits And Housing Review is required for each participating family.