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Housing Options for People with I/DD in Washington State

Adult Family Home

A residential home in which a person or an entity is licensed to provide personal care, special care, room, and board to more than one but not more than six adults who are not related by blood or marriage to a licensed operator, resident manager, or caregiver, who resides in the home. The term “entity” includes corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies, and the term “adult family home” includes the person or entity that is licensed to operate an adult family home.

To search for licensed Adult Family Homes by geographical area go to
and speak to a case manager for a referral.

Supported Living

Requires the CORE Waiver through DDA. Supported Living services offer instruction and support to persons who live in their own homes in the community. Supports may vary from a few hours per month up to 24 hours per day of one-to-one support. Clients pay for their own rent, food, and other personal expenses. DDA contracts with private agencies to provide Supported Living Services.

To learn about agencies that offer Supported Living Services in your county, go to

State-Operated Living Alternative (SOLA)

Requires CORE Waiver through DDA. This model looks very similar to the Supported Living model. The difference is the workers are employees of the state.

Companion Home

Requires CORE Waiver through DDA. Companion Home services are offered in a typical family residence to no more than one DDA-funded adult client. The participant resides in the contracted provider’s home, where there is 24-hour supervision available. Approximately 75 people in WA State receive this service.

Shared Living

  • In Shared Living, compatible roommates live together and share the costs of housing and services. This is a family-driven model. Families partner with other compatible families to create a housing solution that meets the unique needs of their loved ones.
  • The families network to find compatible roommates and compatible families with whom to partner.
  • The families may purchase, lease, or rent housing.
  • The families take the lead in recruiting caregivers who usually work through a home healthcare agency for Medicaid-funded Community First Choice hours.
  • The families work together to support their loved ones and to ensure the success of Shared Living.

It's important to understand the rules before setting up a Shared Living home. For example:

  • You cannot own the home and provide care to more than one unrelated adult without being licensed by the state.
  • Housemates cannot “pool” Medicaid-funded Community First Choice hours. Medicaid is one-on-one support. Housemates CAN share a caregiver.
  • Families cannot private-pay for a Medicaid-funded service. Families CAN private pay for a service not funded by Medicaid (like supervision or coordinating social activities).

Housing Resources

Advice to help families prepare for housing:

  • Start planning early
  • Establish a relationship with the DDA case manager
  • Talk about your housing vision
  • Network with like-minded families
  • Establish guardianship or alternatives to guardianship
  • Apply for Social Security and Medicaid
  • Charge rent (at least 50% of income to be eligible for housing subsidies)
  • Apply for services from DDA or HCS
  • Get help preparing for your DDA or HCS assessment to maximize Community First Choice hours
  • Get on housing waitlists